Data should be presented in a clear and logical design that conveys the appropriate meaning, not in a layout constrained by tools or technology. 数据应该以一种清晰有逻辑的设计方式呈现出来,表示适当的意义,而不是以受局限的工具或技术的方式。
According to the analysis of characteristics of curve layout data, the class design program of curve layout is introduced with object_oriented paradigm, including the partition of hierarchy of classes and the design of data members and member functions for each class. 根据对曲线测设数据的特点分析,运用面向对象的编程方法,对曲线测设的程序进行了类设计,包括类层次划分和各类的数据成员和成员函数的设计。
The system can be divided into two layers: the data access subsystem and the layout subsystem, and the design of the layout subsystem is based on SCH ( Software Component Hierarchy). 系统包括数据访问子系统和排版子系统两层,排版子系统采用软插件体系进行设计。